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Aloha and welcome from my heart to yours- 

so happy you found your way to the Healing & Therapy page on our site!

This is Inga 


Wherever you are at on your own healing journey, please never forget, that we as humans truly and profoundly have the power to heal ourselves. It's not just a saying, it is a science, technology & method. 

And it only requires discipline, trust and self love.

Sounds complicated or a lot- but it really is pretty simple - once we discover some helpful tools to get back to these attributes.


The base for everything is vibration. The entire universe is made out of sound.

432 Hz is the sound which powers our Universe.

Our own frequency sets the tone for the happiness, abundance and peace we can experience in our lives. And we truly are here to wake up to our highest potential and inspire others to follow us!

So if I could do it, you certainly can do it too!!!​


Since my early childhood years I felt misplaced on this earth. 

Looking back, I understand that as a highly sensitive indigo child, I was one of the pioneers of a new dawn and never truly could connect with others, let alone being understood.

With only 12 years old I was hospitalized with Anorexia which turned into Bulimia after a couple of years.

It was then, for the second time in my life, that I had a 'conversation with God', which saved not only my life but ultimately brought me onto my own healing path.

Intuitively I left my home country Germany when I was 25 and moved to New York, in order to not just collect all the lost pieces of myself, but also  free myself of this heavy load I was carrying, which I somehow  knew did not belong to me ultimately.


The following 20 years have been the most challenging, and at the same time the most liberating and amazing years of my life. 

Through the darkest nights of my soul I experienced a depth in life and liberation,  I did not even know that existed.

So how did I do it?


Every time we are faced with a challenge we actually are asked to grow and shed parts

of us in order to heal a certain element within us.

The path of my Healing and Spiritual Awakening of almost 36 years now brought me to the natives of Northern and Southern America and their holistic ways to heal body, mind and soul, other ancient and indigenous healing techniques from all over the world and let me study various yogic lineages ( Ashtanga, Hatha, Jivamukti ).

I found myself in the practice of Kundalini Yoga and became a certified teacher KRI.

Through a combination of many different approaches and tools I was able to unload my subconscious mind

( in which we store all our patterning ) and reframe my reality, my connection to self and the world around me. I reestablished the connection between body mind and soul and let my mind be my servant, rather than my master ....and thus RE-MEMBERED to always follow my heart ( as this is where our intuition lies ).

I devote my life to unity and healing and I am convinced, that everyone has the possibility, no matter where you are at, to wake up to your eternal beauty, experience this life as a true gift 

( as only in this body we have our 5 senses ) and find all the healing you are looking for inside yourself.

Sometimes we just need a little guidance, to RE-MEMBER our own magnificence.

My offerings are individual, but here is a short overview:


Kundalini Yoga classes ( private and group )

Gong Sound Healing ( 432 Hz mainly )

Intuitive Coaching / The path of RE-MEMBERING 

Embodiment Practice 

Retreats of all kind ( Yoga, Phoenix Retreats etc )

Pilgrimages to power places on this planet

( mainly leyline & cosmic nature )


If my story has touched something in your heart,

and you are looking for some support -

send me an email -

I would love to hear from you & inspire & help you, to find all the pieces inside yourself to become whole again & who you truly are.


Sat nam!









Because of my own healing journey, I always could very much relate to all the destructive ( rather than constructive ) patterns we humans, esspecially women, carry with us through our lineages and lifetimes, stored in the waters of our bodies.

The self defeating image we have created about ourselves, which is shaped into form through constant oppression over the past Millenia's, our ancestral inheritance, the way society defines beauty nowadays and the way we relate to our body ( rather than to our mind & soul ) construct a very distorted picture of who we truly are and how we see ourselves in the world.


As a mother and - as described already above - a survivor of anorexia,  bulemia and early cancer, I had to search beyond western medicine and regular therapy, to heal my wounded soul, mind and of course body.

My approach to heal the human heart and guide my clients into their fullest potential and happiness is very diverse and depends on your own story. 


Photo Therapy is a tool for me to help my clients fall in love with their own beauty through the reflection of my lense. Together we will develop the trust it needs to open up the blocks which prevent us from seeing our own radiance. We all carry this beauty in us and I am looking forward to help you falling in love with yourself - not just in the photograph.


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